One of the aspects of this project that I enjoyed most was that I got to work and hang out with many of you in a way I hadn't before. I had a great time with you, and learned a tremendous amount; thank you!
Now I invite you to share your experiences. Please us, what was it like for you? What did you enjoy?
Some of you who worked on the production have told me of surprising or interesting stories or observations.
Did you get to know someone better? Were there any challenges, pleasures, or memorable moments? What improvements would you suggest? Do you foresee any effects in the future?
– If you enjoy writing, you can email me at carolyn (a) c-cyte dot com, or just comment on this post.Here's one detail I learned after the event that was a surprise to me: it turns out the date of the wedding/performance/screenings was the anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution. If you heard or have read the ceremony text, you'll understand how appropriate that was.
– Alternatively, if you'd rather talk about it, I could do a video interview of you, or record an AIM or Skype video chat.
– Alternatively, if you'd prefer other means of expression, I invite you to please create it and contact me re- sharing it.
(Photo above left by Carolyn McWeeney, adjusted by moi.)